House Bill 3002 amends Chapter 130 of the Private Acts of 2006 concerning the Bolivar Energy Authority. The bill specifically modifies subsection (a) of Section 7, which outlines the composition and appointment process for the board of directors. The initial board will consist of the current members of the Bolivar Electric Utility Board, serving the remainder of their terms. Future appointments will be for five-year terms, beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the fifth year. The board is responsible for filling vacancies due to expiring terms or other reasons, with the requirement to gain approval from the city council for these appointments.

Additionally, the bill stipulates that it will only take effect if approved by a two-thirds vote of the legislative body of the City of Bolivar. The presiding officer of the legislative body will announce the approval or disapproval, which will then be certified to the secretary of state. The act will become effective immediately upon becoming law for the purpose of approval, while other provisions will take effect as outlined in Section 2.