By Yager
A RESOLUTION to confirm the appointment of Robert S. "Bob"
Eby of Oak Ridge to the State Board of
WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-1-301, provides for the creation of
the State Board of Education; and WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-1-301, further provides that the Speaker of the Senate shall appoint members representing the third, fourth, and seventh congressional districts to the State Board of Education; and WHEREAS, Speaker Randy McNally has appointed Robert S. "Bob" Eby of Oak Ridge to the State Board of Education as a member representing the Third Congressional District; and WHEREAS, initially appointed to the State Board of Education in 2018 by Governor Bill Haslam, Mr. Eby currently serves as the chairman of the State Board after having served four years as its vice chair; and WHEREAS, a highly respected member of his community, Bob Eby currently serves as
a part-time technical consultant for Navarro Research and Engineering, which organization he
previously served as executive vice president; and WHEREAS, Mr. Eby served his community and this State on the Oak Ridge Board of
Education for sixteen years over a thirty-year period; he further served as a member of the East Tennessee Economic Council Board of Directors and a board member of the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Bob Eby is a person of integrity and an active citizen whose benevolence,
acumen, and strong commitment to public service have helped to enhance the well-being of this State and its citizens; and SR0034
WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-1-301, provides that each member appointed by the Speaker of the Senate to the State Board of Education shall be subject to
confirmation by the Senate; now, therefore,
GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, that this body does hereby confirm the appointment of Robert S. "Bob" Eby to the State Board of Education.
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