The resolution emphasizes the importance of maintaining a resilient and healthy forest in the Black Hills of South Dakota through active forest management and the retention of the forest products industry. It highlights the benefits that well-managed forests provide to all South Dakota citizens, including socioeconomic stability, recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat enhancement, and improved water quality. The resolution also addresses the dangers posed by dense forests, such as increased wildfire risks and the spread of mountain pine beetle epidemics, which have been on the rise in recent years.
In light of these concerns, the resolution calls for increased active forest management to mitigate the threats of wildfires, insects, and disease, while also supporting the forest products industry. It acknowledges that the U.S. Forest Service manages most of the forested land in the state, but emphasizes that all South Dakotans should have a voice in management decisions. The resolution ultimately seeks to encourage federal and state land management agencies to take proactive steps in forest management to ensure the health and sustainability of the Black Hills forest.