The resolution calls for an interim study to address the issue of property tax reduction and the preservation of home ownership as a vital aspect of the American dream. It highlights the increasing financial burden that rising property taxes impose on homeowners, particularly affecting young families, middle-class households, and retirees on fixed incomes. The resolution emphasizes the Legislature's responsibility to manage taxpayer money prudently and to conduct a thorough review of government spending to identify inefficiencies that contribute to excessive tax burdens.

To facilitate this study, the resolution proposes the establishment of an interim committee by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council. This committee will consist of members from both the House of Representatives and the Senate, including representatives from both majority and minority parties, as well as ex officio members from the Bureau of Finance and Management and the Governor's office. The committee is tasked with gathering input from various stakeholders, including government agencies, local political subdivisions, and the private sector, and is required to report its findings and recommendations, along with any proposed legislation, by December 1, 2025.