The resolution is a formal application by the South Dakota legislature to the United States Congress, invoking Article V of the U.S. Constitution to call for a convention aimed at proposing an amendment that would establish term limits for members of Congress. It emphasizes the framers' intent for a part-time legislature composed of citizen legislators and highlights the responsibility of state legislatures to safeguard liberty against potential federal overreach. The resolution also references a Supreme Court ruling that prevents states from imposing additional qualifications on congressional candidates, reinforcing the need for a constitutional amendment to implement term limits.
Furthermore, the resolution outlines the procedural steps for transmitting this application to various federal and state officials, ensuring that it is recognized as a continuing application until two-thirds of state legislatures have made similar requests. It specifies that this application is solely focused on establishing term limits and cannot be combined with other applications addressing different issues. The ultimate goal is to gather enough support from state legislatures to compel Congress to convene for this purpose.