The bill amends the definitions related to the school funding formula in South Dakota, specifically within section 13-13-10.1. Key changes include the inclusion of nonresident students in the care of state agencies in the fall enrollment count of the receiving district, and the establishment of a target teacher salary of $62,045.62 for the school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, which will be adjusted annually based on the consumer price index. Additionally, the bill outlines the calculation of local need, alternative per student need, and local effort, which incorporates various funding sources and adjustments for specific student populations, such as English learners and those participating in alternative instruction.

The bill also specifies the overhead rate and the methodology for calculating the general fund base percentage and allowable general fund cash balance for school districts based on their fall enrollment. Furthermore, it introduces a new adjustment for alternative instruction participation, which accounts for students involved in sanctioned high school activities while receiving alternative instruction. Overall, these amendments aim to refine the funding formula to better address the needs of diverse student populations and ensure equitable distribution of educational resources across school districts.

Statutes affected:
Introduced, 12/27/2024: 13-13-10.1
Enrolled, 02/10/2025: 13-13-10.1