An Act to authorize the redistricting of water development district director areas by the district's board of directors.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:
Section 1. That   46A-3B-3 be AMENDED:
soon as possible followingFollowing
each decennial census of population or any adjustment to a water
development district boundary, the Board
of Water and Natural Resources board
of directors of the water development district shall,
whether the number of board members should be adjusted, adjust the
same, and redistrict
if applicable:
(1) Adjust the number of board members in accordance with   46A-3B-2;
(2) Publish notice of the adjustment in official newspapers designated in accordance with   46A-3D-11; and
(3) By
resolution, redistrict the
water development district director areas to reflect changes in the
population of the water
development district
as to assureand
equitable representation of all areas within the water
development district.
The board may
make adjustments to
adjust water
development district director areas to reflect precinct changes made
pursuant to chapter 12-14,
if equitable
representation of all
remains assured
remain equitably represented.