2023 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1138

An Act to require updated cost report information for certain community-based health and human services providers.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That   28-22-1 be AMENDED:

28-22-1. The Department of Social Services and the Department of Human Services shall jointly establish a rate-setting methodology for services delivered by community-based health and human services providers. Each category of service shall undergo a comprehensive rate modeling analysis at least every five years. Any rate models determined by the comprehensive rate model analysis must be reviewed and reported annually to include cost report information, rate model components utilizing the most relevant inflation factor respective of the analysis, and other market factors as warranted pursuant to    28-22-2 and 28-22-3. The departments may elect to conduct the analysis earlier or on a more frequent basis if warranted by cost report information or other market conditions. may elect to conduct the analysis earlier or on a more frequent basis if warranted by cost report information or other market conditions. Any new service model shall undergo comprehensive rate modeling analysis prior to implementation.

Statutes affected:
Introduced, 01/25/2023: 28-22-1
House Appropriations Engrossed, 02/15/2023: 28-22-1