An Act to repeal the requirement for an annual report by the Board of Regents regarding intellectual diversity and the free exchange of ideas.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:
Section 1. That   13-53-49 be AMENDED:
As used in
to 13-53-5313-53-52,
(1) "Expressive activity,"
protected under the provisions of    13-53-49
to 13-53-5313-53-52,
inclusive, includes any lawful noncommercial verbal or written means
by which one person communicates ideas to another, and includes
peaceful assembly, protests, speeches, distribution of literature,
the carrying of signs, and the circulation of petitions; and
(2) "Intellectual diversity," denotes a learning environment that exposes students to and encourages exploration of a variety of ideological and political perspectives.
Section 2. That   13-53-53 be REPEALED:
On or before December
first of each year, the Board of Regents shall prepare and submit to
the Governor and each member of the legislature a report that:
(1) Sets forth all
actions taken by each institution to promote and ensure intellectual
diversity and the free exchange of ideas; and
(2) Describes any events
or occurrences that impeded intellectual diversity and the free
exchange of ideas.