2022 House Bill 1103 - SD Legislature provide a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services under the Medicaid program.

2022 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1103


An Act

ENTITLED An Act to provide a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services under the Medicaid program.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That chapter 28-6 be amended with a NEW SECTION:

The Department of Social Services shall establish, maintain, and publish a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services delivered under the Medicaid program. The schedule shall provide a reimbursement amount for each service.

The department shall determine reimbursement amounts, for each service, based on a percentage of current normal and customary fees in this state.

The department may seek the assistance of third parties to determine current normal and customary fees.

The department shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, to establish and annually adjust the reimbursement schedule.

An Act to provide a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services under the Medicaid program.

I certify that the attached Act originated in the:

House as Bill No. 1103

Chief Clerk

Speaker of the House


Chief Clerk

President of the Senate


Secretary of the Senate

House Bill No. 1103

File No. ____

Chapter No. ______

Received at this Executive Office

this _____ day of _____________,

2022 at ____________M.


for the Governor

The attached Act is hereby

approved this ________ day of

______________, A.D., 2022




Office of the Secretary of State

Filed ____________, 2022

at _________ o'clock __M.

Secretary of State


Asst. Secretary of State