2020 House Bill 1155 - Introduced

SDLRC - 2020 House Bill 1155 - SD Legislature exempt certain retirement funds from division of property in a divorce.

An Act to exempt certain retirement funds from division of property in a divorce.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That   25-4-44 be AMENDED:

25-4-44. Division of property between parties.

When a divorce is granted, the courts may make an equitable division of the property belonging to either or both, whether the title to suchthe property is in the name of the husband or the wife. In making such the division of the property, the court shall have regard for equity and the circumstances of the parties. For purposes of this section, property does not include any retirement funds that were acquired before the marriage and held individually during the marriage in a fund or account exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 25-4-44