The bill, S. 390, is a joint resolution introduced in the South Carolina Senate to approve regulations set forth by the State Board of Education regarding the Assessment Program, specifically designated as Regulation Document Number 5359. The resolution aims to update outdated language in the regulation to reflect current educational legislation and assessment practices. Notably, it proposes to replace references to the No Child Left Behind Act with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and to update the name of the state summative assessment from the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) to SC READY, which is the current assessment in use.

The resolution emphasizes the importance of keeping the regulation aligned with prevailing educational standards and terminology, allowing for future updates without necessitating a formal regulation change request. The proposed amendments were previously published in the State Register, indicating a process of transparency and public notice prior to the legislative approval. The joint resolution will take effect upon receiving approval from the Governor.