The bill H. 3525 aims to amend various sections of the South Carolina Code of Laws related to crime victim services and compensation. Key changes include updating references from the "Department of Crime Victim Assistance Grants" to the "Department of Crime Victim Compensation" in Section 14-1-211.5, and revising the definition of "intervenor" in Section 16-3-1200. Additionally, the bill removes the definition of "witness" in Section 16-3-1420, updates references to "spouse abuse" to "domestic violence" in Section 16-3-1430, and replaces representatives of the State Office of Victim Assistance with those appointed by the chair of the Victim Services Coordinating Council.

Further amendments include a revised definition of "criminal offense" in Section 16-3-1510, which clarifies the types of offenses covered, and the deletion of an obsolete reference in Section 17-25-45 regarding life sentences for certain crimes. The bill also ensures that any amendments do not affect pending actions or rights and maintains the validity of the remaining provisions if any part is found unconstitutional. The act will take effect upon approval by the Governor.

Statutes affected:
12/05/2024: 14-1-211, 16-3-1200, 16-3-1430, 16-3-1510, 17-25-45
Latest Version: 14-1-211, 16-3-1200, 16-3-1430, 16-3-1510, 17-25-45