2023-2024 Bill 5218: House Rules, committee procedures - South Carolina Legislature Online

South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

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H. 5218


House Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. A.M. Morgan, May, Magnuson, T.A. Morgan, Kilmartin, Cromer, Pace, S. Jones, O'Neal, Oremus, Burns, Harris, Chumley, Beach, McCabe and White
Document Path: LC-0252AHB-AHB24.docx

Introduced in the House on March 6, 2024

Summary: House Rules, committee procedures


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
3/6/2024 House Introduced (House Journal-page 17)
3/6/2024 House Referred to Committee on Rules (House Journal-page 17)

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to amend rule 4.6 of the rules of the house of representatives, relating to committees and their procedures, so as to require the chairmen of committees to set bills and resolutions with fifteen or more sponsors for consideration by the full committee or subcommittee within seven days of a written request of a sponsor or cosponsor.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:


That Rule 4.6 of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended to read:


            4.6       a.         After twenty days from the date of reference, the Chairman of the Committee in possession of a measure shall, upon written request of a sponsor or, in the case of a Senate measure, a House member, set a time for consideration of the measure by the full committee or subcommittee which shall be no later than seven legislative working days thereafter.  Provided, however, that a member may request consideration of a bill or resolution pursuant to this rule only one time per bill or resolution during a legislative session.

                        b.         The Chairman of the Committee must set bills and resolutions with fifteen or more sponsors for consideration of the measure by the full committee or subcommittee within seven days of the written request of a sponsor or cosponsor to the committee.


This web page was last updated on March 6, 2024 at 10:49 AM