The proposed bill amends Title 17 of the General Laws by adding a new chapter, CHAPTER 30, which addresses the use of deceptive and fraudulent synthetic media in election communications. It defines "synthetic media" as manipulated images, audio, or video that create a false representation of a candidate's appearance, actions, or speech. The bill prohibits candidates, their campaign committees, political action committees, and other entities from distributing such deceptive synthetic media within 90 days of an election unless a clear disclosure is provided indicating that the media has been manipulated or generated by artificial intelligence. The bill also outlines the requirements for disclosures in both visual and audio formats to ensure they are easily readable or audible to the average viewer or listener.

Additionally, the bill grants candidates the right to seek injunctive relief and damages if their likeness is misrepresented through synthetic media in violation of the new regulations. It specifies that certain entities, such as broadcasting stations and publications, are exempt from these regulations under specific conditions, such as when the synthetic media is part of bona fide news coverage or clearly labeled as not accurately representing the candidate. The provisions of this chapter are severable, meaning that if any part is found invalid, the remaining sections will still be enforceable. The act will take effect upon passage.