This bill proposes to change the name of the holiday celebrated on the second Monday of August in Rhode Island from "Victory Day" to "Peace and Remembrance Day." The legislative findings emphasize the need to acknowledge the civilian suffering and casualties that accompany military victories, particularly in the context of World War II. The bill highlights the historical injustices faced by Japanese Americans during the war and questions the necessity of using atomic bombs, advocating for a shift in focus from military triumph to a commitment to peace and remembrance of all affected by war. In terms of legal changes, Section 25-1-1 of the General Laws will be amended to reflect this new holiday name, replacing the phrase (as Victory Day) with (as Peace and Remembrance Day), while also repealing Section 25-1-1.3, which prohibited referring to the holiday by any other name. The bill aims to foster a more inclusive and reflective observance of the holiday, recognizing the broader implications of war beyond military success. The act will take effect upon passage.