The bill amends Chapter 16-45 of the General Laws concerning Regional Vocational Schools by introducing a new section, 16-45-12, which focuses on inter-district communication and accounting for students enrolled in career and technical education (CTE) and pathways education programs outside their home districts. Effective July 1, 2025, the bill mandates that receiving districts report quarterly to sending districts about the status of students in these programs, including any significant changes in their participation. Additionally, it stipulates that if the costs incurred by the receiving district are lower than the per pupil expenditure of the sending district, the sending district's financial responsibility will be limited to the lower cost.

Furthermore, the bill addresses transportation costs, requiring the sending district to pay only the actual transportation costs to the receiving district, overriding any conflicting provisions in existing law. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is authorized to create rules and regulations to implement these provisions. Overall, the bill aims to enhance communication and financial accountability between school districts regarding students participating in CTE and pathways education programs.