The proposed bill amends Section 45-24-33 of the General Laws concerning zoning ordinances by introducing "Standard provisions" at the beginning of the section. It mandates that zoning ordinances must include regulations on land use, building dimensions, environmental standards, and public access to resources. A significant change is the requirement for all zoning ordinances to include special provisions for development incentives in exchange for community benefits, such as increased open space and housing options. The bill also establishes that at least 30% of commercial zoning areas must implement mixed-use overlay districts, guided by the Department of Housing. Notably, it changes the language from "may" to "shall" regarding the inclusion of special provisions, and it removes the previous requirement for a system for the transfer of development rights.

Additionally, the bill introduces a new section defining mixed-use overlay districts, which are designed to promote complementary land uses that support both housing and economic development. It allows municipalities to permit specific uses by right within these districts, including multifamily dwellings and mixed-use developments. The bill also stipulates that the ground floor of multifamily developments may be reserved for commercial use and includes a provision to prevent private nuisance claims if the conditions existed prior to the claimant's ownership. Municipalities will be required to amend their zoning ordinances to incorporate these changes, which aim to enhance development density and flexibility while fostering commercial growth in mixed-use areas. The act will take effect upon passage.