The proposed bill amends Chapter 45-2 of the General Laws by introducing a new section, 45-2-70, which establishes a reimbursement system for municipalities that incur training costs for public safety employees—such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel—when these employees are hired by another municipality within three years of their training. The bill mandates that the hiring agency reimburse the original employing municipality for various training-related expenses, including costs for training programs, uniforms, equipment, and a prorated portion of the employee's salary and benefits during the training period.

The reimbursement percentages are structured based on the time elapsed since the completion of training, with 100% reimbursement for hires made within one year, 75% for hires between one and two years, and 50% for hires between two and three years after training completion. Additionally, the bill requires the hiring agency to notify the original employer within ten days of hiring, and the original employer must provide an itemized statement of costs within thirty days. The act also states that it supersedes any conflicting municipal policies, resolutions, or ordinances, and will take effect upon passage.