The bill amends Section 45-24-30 and Section 45-24-31 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24, focusing on zoning ordinances. It introduces new legal language that emphasizes the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare, while mandating public agencies to affirmatively further fair housing in their housing and community development activities. This includes aligning zoning codes with fair housing values and addressing the diverse housing needs of various groups, such as seniors, individuals with disabilities, and those facing homelessness. Additionally, the bill prohibits cities and towns from adopting new zoning requirements related to buffers or setbacks concerning freshwater wetlands and onsite wastewater treatment systems, aiming to streamline regulations while ensuring equitable housing access.

The bill also clarifies and updates various definitions related to zoning, such as "affirmatively furthering fair housing," "accessory dwelling unit," and "incentive zoning," while deleting outdated language to enhance clarity and comprehension. It requires cities and towns to amend their ordinances to align with the new state regulations within twelve months of the bill's effective date, ensuring local practices reflect the updated standards. Furthermore, the bill includes a provision that maintains the integrity of the law, stating that if any part is deemed unlawful, the remaining sections will still be in effect. The act is set to take effect immediately upon passage, promoting fair housing practices within zoning ordinances.