The bill amends Chapter 36-4 of the General Laws, titled "Merit System," by introducing a new section, 36-4-15.1, which specifically addresses specialized information technology positions within state service. This section defines "specialized information technology position" as a technical job classification under the supervision of the division of enterprise technology strategy and services (ETSS) and includes roles such as chief information officer, software architects, cybersecurity professionals, and other technical positions. The bill grants the personnel administrator the authority to modify pay plans for these positions without needing public hearings or gubernatorial approval, allowing for the creation of new job classifications or changes to existing ones.
Additionally, the personnel administrator is required to file a report within thirty days of any personnel action related to these specialized positions, detailing the title, pay grade, job description, and justification for the position's necessity. This report must also be posted on the division of human resources’ website for a year. However, the provisions of this section do not apply to specialized IT positions that are part of a collective bargaining unit certified by the Rhode Island state labor relations board. The act will take effect upon passage.