The bill amends various sections of the General Laws related to local planning boards and zoning regulations, primarily focusing on enhancing the powers and responsibilities of these boards in land development and subdivision processes. Key insertions include the establishment of comprehensive plans for municipalities, the authority to adopt and amend land development regulations, and the requirement for planning board members to undergo training on floodplain development and sea-level rise every two years. The bill also introduces new definitions for terms such as "minor land development project" and "major land development project," categorizing projects based on their scale and impact, and emphasizes the alignment of local regulations with community goals.

Additionally, the bill streamlines the application and review processes for land development projects by clarifying the certification of application completeness and establishing specific stages of review, including public hearings. It modifies the appeals process by designating a city or town zoning board of review as the board of appeal for administrative matters, replacing the planning board's previous role. The bill also introduces provisions for inclusionary zoning, mandating affordable housing units in developments, and establishes a transit-oriented development pilot program to promote housing near public transportation. Overall, these amendments aim to facilitate development while ensuring compliance with local and state regulations, enhancing affordable housing opportunities, and improving the efficiency of the planning process.