The bill amends the "Casino Gaming" section of the General Laws to define "iGaming" and terms related to cheating in casino gaming, such as "cheating device" and "paraphernalia for the manufacturing of cheating devices." It outlines prohibited acts, including the use of cheating devices, manufacturing cheating paraphernalia, and other fraudulent activities within a gaming facility. The penalties for these offenses can be severe, with possible imprisonment for up to ten years or a fine of up to $100,000, or both. The bill also criminalizes the use of unauthorized electronic devices, skimming of proceeds, and cheating by casino employees, classifying these actions as felonies.

Furthermore, the bill introduces age restrictions for iGaming, making it illegal for individuals under twenty-one to play iGaming casino games or make wagers. Violations by those aged eighteen to twenty-one would be considered misdemeanors, with potential penalties including imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to $1,000, or both. Persons under eighteen would be referred to family court. The bill also makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to allow or attempt to allow a person under twenty-one to play iGaming casino games or accept a wager from them, with the same penalties. The existing prohibition against individuals under eighteen playing traditional casino games or making wagers remains, with offenders being referred to family court. The amendments would take effect upon passage.