The bill amends various sections of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24, focusing on zoning ordinances in Rhode Island to promote equitable housing access and sustainable land use. Key insertions include a commitment to the right to housing for all residents, the encouragement of smart growth, and the requirement for municipalities to update their zoning ordinances to align with these new provisions within twelve months. The bill also expands the purposes of zoning to include public spaces and essential services, while introducing new definitions related to architectural form and civic spaces. Significant deletions involve the removal of references to fire and natural disasters, replacing them with a focus on wildfire safety, and prohibiting new local requirements for wetland buffers.
Additionally, the bill modernizes zoning laws by clarifying definitions and conditions surrounding nonconformance and variances, emphasizing the lawful existence of uses prior to zoning changes. It introduces provisions for affordable housing, requiring that at least 15% of units in new developments be affordable for a minimum of 30 years, and allows for density bonuses for such projects. The bill also establishes a framework for the transfer of development rights to preserve sensitive areas and enhance urban planning. Overall, these amendments aim to streamline zoning processes, promote sustainable development, and ensure compliance with updated standards while fostering community engagement in planning efforts.