The bill amends Chapter 5-34 of the General Laws, which governs nursing regulations, by establishing a board of nursing with fifteen members, extending their term from three to four years, and modifying the composition to include twelve professional nurses and one practical nurse. It introduces provisions for the director of health to remove board members for cause and creates a director of nurse registration and nursing education. The board's authority is expanded to require physical or psychiatric examinations for licensees suspected of impairment, and the licensing process is clarified, ensuring that licenses are issued based on board recommendations with specific criteria for renewal denials.
Additionally, the bill revises the complaint handling process, allowing any individual to submit written complaints to the Department of Health, which will then investigate as necessary. It changes terminology from "charges" to "allegations" and allows licensees to request hearings within twenty days of receiving allegations. The bill also extends the timeframe for hearings related to suspensions from ten to thirty days and introduces new requirements for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) regarding practice closures and patient record preservation. Overall, these amendments aim to strengthen the regulatory framework for nursing practice, enhance accountability, and ensure patient confidentiality.