The bill, titled the Electronic Information and Data Privacy Act, establishes new requirements for law enforcement agencies regarding the collection and disclosure of electronic information and data. It specifies that a search warrant issued by a court upon a finding of probable cause is required for law enforcement agencies to obtain, use, copy, or disclose the location information, stored data, or transmitted data of an electronic device or electronic information or data transmitted to a remote computing service provider, with exceptions for certain circumstances. The bill also requires that any electronic information or data collected by a law enforcement agency that is not the subject of a warrant must be destroyed in an unrecoverable manner as soon as reasonably possible. It allows for the voluntary disclosure of location information by a remote computing service provider in certain emergency situations or if the information pertains to the commission of a felony or misdemeanor involving physical violence, sexual abuse, or dishonesty. The bill also establishes notification requirements for law enforcement agencies that execute a warrant to obtain electronic information or data.

Overall, the bill aims to protect the privacy of electronic information and data by requiring law enforcement agencies to obtain search warrants in order to access and disclose such information. It also includes exceptions to the warrant requirement and establishes notification requirements for law enforcement agencies.