The bill amends Chapter 6-13 of the General Laws entitled "Unfair Sales Practices" by adding new provisions that regulate automatic deductions by health clubs. It introduces a requirement for health clubs to cease automatic deductions from a consumer's checking or savings account, credit or debit card, or similar device within 30 calendar days upon receiving written notice from the consumer. The notice from the consumer must be provided in written form and delivered by mail or in person. Additionally, the bill mandates that health clubs must provide consumers with at least 60 calendar days' written notice before implementing any rate increases or substantial changes in services.

The bill also establishes penalties for health clubs that violate these provisions, including a fine of up to $1,000 and the right for consumers to terminate their contracts without being responsible for any charges assessed after the date of the violation. If any provision of this section conflicts with an express provision of a contract between a consumer and a health club, the provisions of this section will apply to the next renewal of the contract after the effective date of this section. The act is set to take effect upon passage.