The bill proposes amendments to Chapter 42-28.2 of the General Laws, specifically adding a new section that mandates the Commission on Standards and Training to develop and publish mandatory training standards for police officers. This training is focused on improving officers' abilities to identify, respond to, handle, investigate, and report incidents involving individuals with developmental disabilities. The training standards are to be included in all curricula for police recruits, in-service trainees, and in all police academies operated or certified by the commission.

Additionally, the bill amends Section 40.1-1-8.1 of the General Laws by redefining "developmental disability." The new definition removes the age restriction that previously required the disability to be manifested before the person turns 22 years old. Now, a developmental disability can be recognized at any age. The definition continues to describe developmental disability as a severe, chronic disability that is likely to continue indefinitely and results in substantial functional limitations in major life activities. The act is set to take effect upon passage.