The bill amends Chapter 31-3 of the General Laws regarding the registration of vehicles by introducing a new section that establishes special motor vehicle registration plates for the Rhode Island Fire Chiefs Honor Flight Hub. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is authorized to create these plates, which will reference the not-for-profit entity and be displayed in place of standard registration plates. The bill outlines the design process, which will involve collaboration between the Rhode Island Fire Chiefs Honor Flight Hub and the division of motor vehicles, with final approval from the Rhode Island state police. Additionally, the bill stipulates that the special plates will be subject to minimum pre-paid order requirements and outlines the necessary procedures for prepayment and issuance.

Furthermore, the bill imposes a $40 issuance surcharge for the special plates, with $20 allocated to the general fund and the remaining $20 directed to the Rhode Island Fire Chiefs Honor Flight Hub to support its mission of providing no-cost trips for WWII and Korean War veterans to visit memorials in Washington, DC. A $10 surcharge will also apply for subsequent registration renewals, with funds required to be used for the benefit of Rhode Island-based charitable organizations. The Rhode Island Fire Chiefs Honor Flight Hub must submit an annual accounting report for the distribution of funds, and there will be no refunds for early cancellation of the plates. The act is set to take effect six months after its passage.