The resolution extends the mandate of a special joint legislative commission originally created to study and provide recommendations on protecting the environment and natural resources from plastic bottle waste. The commission, established by resolution No. 443 and approved on June 14, 2023, is now authorized to continue its work and report its findings to the General Assembly by April 30, 2025. The commission's expiration date is set for May 5, 2025.

Additionally, the resolution amends the commission's purpose to include the study of glass and aluminum waste, expanding its scope beyond just plastic bottle waste. The previous deadline for reporting, as authorized by the original resolution No. 443, has been rescinded to accommodate this extension and expansion of the commission's responsibilities. The legislative council explains that this resolution aims to enhance the commission's role in addressing and recommending ways to improve recycling and handling of bottle waste, now including glass and aluminum, with the new reporting deadline and expiration date in place.