The resolution acknowledges the environmental, economic, energy, and public health challenges posed by climate change and emphasizes the importance of clean, affordable, and reliable electricity for Rhode Island's economic health and prosperity. It references Rhode Island's established goals to meet 100% of its electricity demand with renewable energy by 2033 and to achieve net-zero economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions. The resolution also notes that Rhode Island's renewable energy industry has matured since the establishment of its programs a decade ago and that the state has some of the highest electric and gas rates in the country. Therefore, it stresses the need for informed decisions that consider affordability and equity during the transition to a clean energy economy.

To address these issues, the resolution proposes the creation of a special legislative commission consisting of eight members, including four from the Senate, and representatives from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, the Office of Energy Resources, and Rhode Island Energy. The commission's purpose is to conduct a comprehensive study of Rhode Island's renewable energy programs and their impact on ratepayers. It aims to identify future renewable energy needs and provide recommendations to improve cost-effectiveness while maintaining the benefits of renewable energy. The commission is to meet by August 31, 2024, submit recommendations by February 14, 2025, and will expire on June 30, 2025.