On June 6, 1944, a significant event in world history unfolded as 156,000 American, British, and Canadian troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, marking the beginning of Europe's liberation from Nazi occupation. The invasion, known by the code names Gold Beach, Juno Beach, Sword Beach, Utah Beach, and Omaha Beach, was the largest amphibious assault ever, involving 5,000 ships and 11,000 aircraft. The night before the invasion, thousands of airborne troops from divisions such as the American 82nd and 101st were deployed behind enemy lines. This day, referred to as "The Longest Day," was pivotal in altering the course of World War II, as failure could have resulted in extended war duration, more deaths in concentration camps, and the potential collapse of democracy in Europe.

The Rhode Island Senate resolves to memorialize and commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on June 6, 2024, recognizing the immense sacrifices made by the courageous soldiers who fought to free Europe from Nazi tyranny and to protect the freedoms we value today. The resolution acknowledges that the success of D-Day played a crucial role in ensuring the freedom and prosperity of Europe and maintaining America's status as a free nation. It further instructs the Secretary of State to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Rhode Island Adjutant General, Major General Christopher P. Callahan, as a gesture of remembrance and honor for those who served and sacrificed on that historic day.