This resolution establishes a special legislative commission to study and evaluate the governance of Rhode Island's public education system from kindergarten through grade 16. The commission will consist of seven members, all of whom are to be members of the Senate, appointed by the President of the Senate, with no more than five members from the same political party. However, the resolution allows for the possibility of appointing members of the general public to the commission instead of legislators, with the consent of the Senate President or the Minority Leader of the relevant political party.

The commission is tasked with reviewing and making recommendations on the most efficient and effective administration of the state's public education governance. It is authorized to request information and assistance from state departments and agencies. The commission is to meet at the call of the Senate President, who will also appoint a chairperson. Members will serve without compensation, and the Joint Committee on Legislative Services will provide the necessary quarters for the commission's operation. The commission must report its findings and recommendations to the President of the Senate by March 1, 2025, and will dissolve on July 1, 2025.