This resolution acknowledges the historical context and significance of Colombia's Independence Day, which is celebrated on July 20th. It begins by recounting the early Spanish colonization of what is now Colombia in 1499 and the subsequent establishment of the first permanent settlement in 1510. The resolution then describes the rise of Colombian patriots against Spanish rule during the early 19th century, influenced by Napoleon's invasion of Spain. It highlights the temporary independence granted after the rebellion in Bogotá on July 20th, 1810, and the ultimate liberation of New Granada (now Colombia) by Simón Bolívar after the Battle of Boyacá in 1819.

The resolution draws parallels between the independence movements and celebrations of Colombia and the United States, noting that both nations share common values such as the belief in liberty as an unalienable right and a commitment to a more peaceful world. It also points out that the leaders of both countries' independence were generals who united their people. The Senate of the State of Rhode Island expresses solidarity with Colombian Americans in commemorating Colombia's 214th Independence Day in 2024. The resolution concludes with instructions for the Secretary of State to transmit certified copies of the resolution to the Colombian American Cultural Society (CACS) and Colombia en Rhode Island.