This resolution recognizes May as Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month and celebrates the longstanding relationship between the United States and Japan, particularly highlighting the historical and cultural ties with the State of Rhode Island. It commemorates the first official diplomatic contact between the two nations in 1853, led by Commodore Matthew Perry, a native of South Kingstown, Rhode Island. The resolution acknowledges the Treaty of Peace and Amity signed in 1854, which established formal diplomatic relations and trade between the United States and Japan. It also notes the current economic and cultural exchanges, including the presence of Japanese companies in Rhode Island and the state's businesses engaging in trade with Japan.

The resolution further honors the 170th anniversary of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Peace and Amity and encourages continued collaboration and partnership between the two nations. It emphasizes the mutual respect, admiration, and commitment to promoting peace, understanding, and collaboration that define the relationship today. The resolution also mentions recent diplomatic engagements, such as the 2024 Summit Meeting between President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio. Finally, it directs the Secretary of State to transmit certified copies of the resolution to various dignitaries, including President Biden, Rhode Island's federal elected officials, and the Consul General of Japan in Boston.