The resolution acknowledges the historical significance of the genocide committed against the Pontian and Anatolian Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians by the Ottoman Turks from 1914 to 1922. It recognizes the systematic attempts to exterminate these populations, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands and the forced displacement of many more. The resolution emphasizes the importance of remembering the victims and learning from this dark chapter in history to prevent such atrocities from occurring again.

The Rhode Island Senate resolves to join the Greek-American community in commemorating the Pontian Genocide annually on May 19th. The year 2024 is noted as the symbolic 105th anniversary of the genocide. The resolution also directs the Secretary of State to send certified copies of the resolution to relevant Greek-American and Greek community leaders, including the President of the Pan-Pontian Federation of USA and Canada, the Pontian Society "Panagia Soumela" Boston, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Ellinikon-Argyroupolis in Athens, Greece.