The bill introduced to the Rhode Island General Assembly establishes the "Beverage Container Deposit Recycling Act" in Title 23 of the General Laws, aiming to increase recycling rates, reduce litter, and create environmentally friendly jobs through a container deposit system. It defines key terms such as "producer," "producer responsibility organization" (PRO), and "producer responsibility plan," and outlines the criteria for beverage containers to be included in the system. The bill mandates that by July 1, 2025, no beverage container can be sold or distributed in the state unless the producer is registered with a PRO operating under an approved plan. It emphasizes minimizing environmental harm and sets requirements for packaging to be considered refillable or returnable and reusable.

The bill requires the establishment of a single PRO by January 1, 2025, which must submit a stewardship plan detailing the operation of programs to meet performance targets for reuse, recycling, and reduction of waste. It sets performance goals for redemption and reuse rates and mandates minimum postconsumer recycled content in beverage containers. The PRO will collect annual fees from producers based on the volume of beverage containers distributed, with a fee structure incentivizing environmental and health impact reduction. The bill sets a refund value of ten cents per beverage container, which may increase if redemption rates fall short. It also details the responsibilities of material recovery facilities, drop-off facilities, and the PRO, including the submission of annual reports and maintenance of a public website with redemption location information. The act is set to take effect on July 1, 2024.