The resolution acknowledges the United Nations' recognition of menstrual hygiene as a critical public health and human rights issue. Despite Rhode Island's progress in eliminating the tax on period supplies in 2019, the resolution highlights ongoing negative impacts on women and girls, especially those living in poverty. It points out that a significant number of women and girls in Rhode Island struggle to afford period products, which can lead to missed educational opportunities and the use of unsanitary alternatives, posing health risks. The resolution also notes the broader social and economic disruptions caused by inadequate access to menstrual products, including missed work and social stigma.

The resolution declares the establishment of "Period Poverty Awareness Week" from May 20th to May 28th, 2024, in Rhode Island. This initiative aims to increase awareness about the necessity of making period products more accessible and affordable, to eliminate the stigma surrounding menstruation, and to advocate for policies and funding to achieve these objectives. The resolution instructs the Secretary of State to send certified copies of the resolution to relevant parties, including Quinn Coleman, Service Director of Period Equity at Brown University, amenityaid in Warwick, and the RI Foundation, to further support these efforts.