The bill amends Section 16-21-7 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-21 entitled "Health and Safety of Pupils" to modify the requirements for school health programs. It mandates that all approved schools must have a state director and commissioner-approved health program, which includes health education, a healthful environment, and nursing care by certified nurse teachers upon request. The bill also removes a previously deleted subsection (b) and introduces new provisions regarding the sale and distribution of competitive foods and beverages in Rhode Island schools. Specifically, it requires that only healthy foods and beverages, as defined by the USDA under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, be offered during the school day, with the possibility for local school committees to adopt more restrictive policies.
The bill includes a significant insertion that, from August 30, 2024, to August 29, 2026, waives the requirement for Rhode Island elementary, middle, and high schools to serve at least one-half of grain servings as 100% whole grain for meals to be reimbursable under federal law. It also requires school administrators to report the total number of reimbursable and non-reimbursable meals served during this period to the commissioner, who will then relay this information to the governor and legislative leaders by September 15, 2026. The bill outlines circumstances under which schools may sell noncompliant snacks and beverages for fundraising purposes and provides definitions for terms used in the section. The act is set to take effect upon passage, and its purpose is to temporarily waive whole grain requirements for school meals to qualify for federal reimbursement.
Statutes affected: 3045: 16-21-7