National Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Awareness Week is designated to raise awareness for Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a rare genetic disorder characterized by easily breakable bones due to a collagen mutation. The week includes "Wishbone Day" on May 6, which is International OI Awareness Day. OI can be inherited, especially if there is a family history, and affects individuals throughout their lifetime, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. In the United States, an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 people have OI, and while there is no cure, treatments aim to minimize fractures and improve mobility and quality of life.

The resolution acknowledges the importance of OI Awareness Day in fostering support, raising awareness, and providing information to communities, medical professionals, and caregivers. It resolves that the House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island commemorates National OI Awareness Week from May 4 to May 11, 2024, and encourages all Rhode Islanders to participate in bringing attention to this disorder. The Secretary of State is directed to send certified copies of the resolution to relevant parties, including the RI Department of Health and coordinators of the OI RI Support Group.