This resolution acknowledges the history and significance of Administrative Professionals' Day, which originated as "National Secretaries Week" in 1952 and has evolved over the years, with the current celebration taking place during the last full week of April. The day recognizes the over 2.78 million administrative professionals in the U.S. workforce for their invaluable contributions to their workplaces. These individuals often work long hours to ensure accuracy and timeliness in their tasks, and they are essential to a wide range of workplaces, including businesses, charitable organizations, and government institutions. They are frequently the first point of contact for the public and play a crucial role in creating a positive first impression.

The resolution specifically celebrates Administrative Professionals Day on April 24, 2024, and expresses gratitude to the dedicated staff who support the Rhode Island House of Representatives. It names several individuals, acknowledging their hard work and commitment. The resolution concludes with a directive for the Secretary of State to transmit a certified copy of the resolution to Sharon Taylor, CAP, Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, thereby formally recognizing the efforts of these key staff members.