The "Attendance for Success Act" is a proposed legislation designed to improve student attendance in public schools by introducing new sections to Chapter 16-19 of the General Laws. It defines key terms related to absenteeism, such as "absent," "chronically absent," and "excessively absent," and distinguishes between "excused" and "unexcused" absences. The bill establishes a tiered "Attendance improvement plan" with strategies for prevention, early intervention, and intensive support based on the student's absenteeism level. It also creates an "Attendance team" in each school, responsible for implementing the plan, and involves various stakeholders, including school principals, LEAs, and parents. The bill does not indicate any deletions from current law.

The legislation mandates that all school-age persons attend an educational institution until they are at least 18 years old, with certain exceptions, and outlines the responsibilities of parents and LEAs in ensuring attendance. LEAs are required to maintain an attendance policy, report attendance data, and develop targeted attendance improvement plans for schools with high chronic absence rates. The bill also provides for differentiated support for students based on their level of absenteeism, including connecting them with service providers and promoting mentorship models. Special accommodations are made for absences due to medical reasons, religious instruction, cultural obligations, and participation in state or national competitions. The bill is set to take effect on August 1, 2024.