The bill amends Section 45-24-30 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24, entitled "Zoning Ordinances," to update the general purposes of zoning ordinances. The amendments include a comprehensive list of purposes for zoning regulations, which are to be developed in accordance with a comprehensive plan. These purposes cover a wide range of objectives, such as promoting public health and safety, providing for a range of uses, ensuring orderly growth, protecting the environment, preserving natural and cultural resources, promoting housing choices, ensuring safety from disasters, and coordinating land uses with other municipalities and agencies. The bill also includes provisions for the administration of the zoning ordinance, including variances and special-use permits, and emphasizes compliance with fair housing laws.

The bill specifies that upon its effective date, cities and towns will no longer be authorized to adopt new zoning ordinance provisions that specify buffers or setbacks in relation to various types of wetlands or onsite wastewater treatment systems. It also removes previous language that delayed the application of state regulations regarding wetland buffers and setbacks, and instead, prohibits the application of existing zoning ordinances pertaining to wetland buffers and onsite wastewater treatment system setbacks to development, redevelopment, construction, or rehabilitation applications submitted to a municipality. Cities and towns are required to amend their ordinances to conform to this section within twelve months of the effective date of state regulations referenced in the bill. The act will take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2994: 45-24-30