The bill amends the General Laws in Chapter 45-23, "Subdivision of Land," and Chapter 45-24, "Zoning Ordinances," with changes effective January 1, 2024. It introduces new definitions, clarifies existing terms, and outlines detailed procedures for land development and subdivision, including the roles of various authorities and the review process for minor and major projects. Key insertions include new categories for development plan review, a formal development plan review application, and a new section (45-23-38) detailing the review process for minor land development and subdivision. Notable deletions include the removal of development in historic districts from development plan review and the elimination of references to a specific section for the final plan.

The bill also revises the process for obtaining variances and special-use permits, requiring these to be included at the preliminary plan stage for minor subdivisions and at the master plan stage for major subdivisions, with a public hearing before the permitting authority. It updates legal references, mandates public notice costs to be borne by the applicant, and introduces a new section (45-23-67) detailing the appeals process from decisions of the administrative officer. Additionally, it revises procedures for the development of substandard lots of record, special-use permits, and the simultaneous application of dimensional variances with special-use permits. The bill includes changes to the appeal process and introduces a new section (29) regarding discretionary development plan review based on specific guidelines, with the act taking effect upon passage.