The bill amends Chapter 45-24 of the General Laws, titled "Zoning Ordinances," to update and clarify definitions related to zoning and land use, with changes effective January 1, 2024. Notable amendments include the redefinition of "Accessory dwelling unit (ADU)" to specify it as a residential unit on the same lot as the principal dwelling, with complete independent living facilities. The bill also introduces the concept of a "Floating zone," an unmapped zoning district adopted within the ordinance, and modifies terms such as "parcel" to "lot" and "primary" to "principal." Additionally, it updates the definition of "Building height" and affects other definitions including "Abutter," "Accessory use," "Adaptive reuse," and "Aggrieved party," among others.

The bill also revises regulations concerning ADUs, removing the requirement that they be in an owner-occupied residence and allowing them as permitted uses in all residential zoning districts through an administrative building permit process. It permits plant agriculture in all zoning districts, encourages adaptive reuse of commercial buildings, and exempts certain developments from off-street parking requirements. Furthermore, the bill sets uniform standards for ADUs, prohibits municipalities from imposing excessive restrictions or fees, and prevents discrimination against protected populations. It also repeals Section 45-24-74, which previously addressed zoning provisions for ADUs, and includes deletions such as the special use permit requirement for ADUs and the minimum lot size requirement. The bill will take effect upon passage and aims to provide clearer guidelines for zoning and development while considering environmental impacts.

Statutes affected:
2998  SUB A: 45-24-74
2998: 45-24-74