This resolution recognizes the 54th anniversary of Earth Day, which was first held on April 22, 1970, after being created by Senator Gaylord Nelson to raise awareness and support for environmental protection. The resolution notes that Earth Day has grown to involve one billion people in over 193 countries, with the 2023 theme being "Planet vs. Plastics." The aim is to address plastic pollution, advocate for a 60 percent reduction in plastic production by 2040, and work towards a plastic-free future. It also highlights the positive impacts of Earth Day, such as the planting of hundreds of millions of trees, environmental education in 149 countries, billions of acts of green, and millions of cleanup volunteers.

The House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island resolves to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2024, and encourages all Rhode Islanders to educate themselves about environmental hazards and become part of the solution. The resolution also instructs the Secretary of State to send certified copies of this resolution to Lou Vergato, Interim Executive Director of the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, and Terrence Gray, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, to further disseminate the call to action and acknowledgment of Earth Day.