The "School Emergency Drills Act" is introduced to enhance the safety and preparedness of students and staff in educational institutions. It defines terms related to emergency drills and mandates that school administrators have the discretion to modify drills without personal liability. The act prohibits mandatory participation in active shooter simulations, requires annual notifications to parents about drills, and mandates debriefings after actual emergency events. Amendments to sections of the General Laws revise requirements for fire, evacuation, and lockdown drills, including the frequency and conditions under which they are conducted. The bill also imposes penalties for non-compliance and requires written reports of fire drills.

Additionally, the bill introduces the "Trauma-informed Schools Act," which requires the development of a trauma-informed schools implementation plan by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education. This plan aims to integrate trauma-informed practices into schools, focusing on non-punitive disciplinary procedures and promoting a culture of acceptance. The bill specifies new requirements for schools to prepare for emergency drills, adds "swatting" to school safety plans, and outlines detailed policies for emergency preparedness. The act, which includes the integration of trauma-informed practices into emergency drills, is set to take effect on July 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
2950: 23-28.12-36