The resolution extends the reporting and expiration dates of a special House commission focused on services and coordination of state programs for older adult Rhode Islanders. Originally established by resolution No. 320 and approved on May 11, 2023, the commission is now authorized to continue its study and report its findings to the House of Representatives by November 30, 2025, with an expiration date set for January 31, 2026. Additionally, the resolution rescinds the previous reporting time authorized by resolution No. 320.

Furthermore, the resolution amends the composition of the commission by adding a State health care provider, increasing the total membership to seventeen. It also expands the commission's scope to include recommendations on creating a State Master Plan on aging, restructuring the Office on Aging to a cabinet-level department, and addressing issues such as housing, technology access, long-term care, funding for senior centers, and updating relevant statutes and council purposes. The resolution also amends the commission's purpose to focus on proposing recommendations for aging programs and services in various areas, including employment, education, and advocacy, and adds language emphasizing the government's commitment to supporting older Rhode Islanders and the need for a strategic action plan on aging.