The bill amends the General Laws in Chapter 27-18, specifically sections 27-18-30 and 27-18-52, to enhance the coverage of fertility-related healthcare services under health insurance policies. It introduces new provisions that mandate coverage for a range of fertility services, including diagnostic care, treatments, preservation services, and in vitro laboratory services, without age-based or prior treatment restrictions. The bill also prohibits the imposition of copayments, deductibles, coinsurances, and other limitations that are not consistent with maternity benefits. It limits coverage to certain numbers of treatments, redefines "infertility" and "standard fertility-preservation services," and introduces the term "fertility patient." The bill excludes coverage for experimental procedures and non-medical fees related to gametes, embryos, or surrogacy services.

Furthermore, the bill expands the definition of infertility and outlines the requirements for health insurance coverage of infertility diagnosis and treatment, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for women aged 25 to 42. It removes the definition of "iatrogenic infertility" and certain phrases that were previously part of the law. The bill also addresses genetic testing, prohibiting discrimination based on genetic test results in health insurance coverage and requiring written authorization for the release of genetic information, with exceptions for research under "The Common Rule." It mandates a lifetime coverage cap of $100,000 for infertility treatment and specifies that the new insurance coverage requirements will take effect on January 1, 2025.