The bill seeks to amend Section 38-2-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 38-2, "Access to Public Records," to expand the definition of "public record" to encompass all recorded data related to the transaction of official business by any state or local government agency, including electronic data and email messages, with the exception of those from elected officials pertaining to their constituents or official capacities. It also outlines specific records that are not considered public, such as those related to attorney-client and doctor-patient privileges, personal information protected by law, trade secrets, child custody and adoption records, law enforcement records, and other sensitive information. A notable insertion is the specification that the city or town of residence for peace officers and judicial officials will not be deemed public.

The bill further details exemptions from public disclosure, including test questions, elected officials' correspondence, real estate appraisals, tax returns, investigatory records, individual test scores for certifications and licenses, requests for advisory opinions, administrative records of judicial bodies, library user records, TELE TEXT printouts, records from the insurance division, credit card numbers held by the government, subpoenaed materials, evaluations of public school employees, documents for student safety, and lists of teachers terminated for cause. The addition of the exemption for the city or town of residence of justices, judges, and magistrates is highlighted as a new provision. The act is intended to take effect immediately upon passage, balancing the public's right to access information with the protection of individual privacy and sensitive data. No specific deletions are mentioned in the summary provided.

Statutes affected:
2915: 38-2-2